ISP problems gave me a killer comparison idea!
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By 30 minute gamer
Sorry about missing yesterdays post, my ISP had someone put a fence post through the fiber line... not a fun day.
Anyway, I figured, in order to make it up to my devoted readers, I would do something a little bit different, and who knows it might become a ritual! So today I bring you the comparison of two games in a similar genre!
I present: Pencil Racer
and: Pencil Racer 3:Drive It
Both of these titles, coincidentally, are brought to us by Jacob Correia as lead developer and feature some similar play style.
To start let me tell you about the line drawing genre.
It all started with a game called Line Rider, which allows players to draw a simple line, and a bobsled racer will ride it. Sounds simple? Well check out levels such as this one.
The original famous level found here is what started the genre's popularity, and sure enough spin-off games were created, these are two of those games...
Well one is.
The first of the two, Pencil racer, is a direct descendant of Line Rider, I hate the fact that there isn't a sound to be heard but it's clean interface and ability to save and load work make it easy to deal with. The best features by far, in contrast to the original Line Rider, are acceleration lines (lines which will accelerate the rider, regardless of slope) and sticky lines (lines which slow the rider down). These make it simple for even the most beginner of artists to create fun curves and jumps, oh, and the ability to select from different "riders" with their own unique physics also adds a touch... I liked the ducks the most.
However, I having played the original back when it came out, found the best tool was the ability to select and re-shape an individual line segment. This simplifies the tedious task of creating perfect curves and reduces the time drastically to make a path, again simplification for the use is always good.
There is some community involvement for this game, but not nearly as much as for the original. However, due to the simpler nature I think this version has good potential for an everyday average gamer looking to kill 30 minutes.
Now lets talk about it's cousin, Pencil Racer 3: Drive It... This one at least has a soundtrack that I don't mind... But the worst sound effects known to man.
Pencil Racer 3:Drive It would be the version released by a software developer for people to buy. It still has the same sort of interactive system to design maps, and draw lines. Not much has been changed there.
... However

As we can see, no longer are there only lines to ride.
Pencil Rider 3: Drive It comes complete with prefabricated line segments, items such as coins to collect, and gates reminiscent of the game Portal.
Why would you need all these objects? Doesn't the rider just start and arrive at his destination? What point do coins play, I can only take 1 path...
Well not anymore.
The name says it all, Drive It allows you to take control of the rider, with acceleration and a physics engine that is similar to Elastomania if you remember that game. Users can travel in different directions around their custom designed, or pre-loaded track, which can be found on numerous fan-sites.
And while this seems like it would add greatly to the functionality and quality mof a gae, I found the exact opposite.
The line rider genre is about designing a beautiful track, with clever jumps and falls to bring ooo's and aww's from your audience. Not put them in control.
With that said, I have to find in favor of Pencil Racer when it comes to the comparison breakdown. Besides the weighted scale, i just felt overall Drive It was trying to do to much in a flash game.
I don't want that much game play in my browser, sell me the title if you want to do that.
With that said, here is what you all want.
Category Pencil Racer Pencil Racer 3: Drive It
Longevity 4.0/5 4.0/5
Interface 4.0/5 3.0/5
Addictiveness 3.5/5 3.0/5
Sound 2.0/5 1.5/5
Simplicity 3.5/5 3.0/5
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