I felt like it was back in 2002 playing Diablo 2, there was objectives, a store, a map, even way points! Robokill really brings a lot of elements to the flash gaming platform, combined with pristine graphics, the game simply shines.
The company called Rock Solid Games, who's arcade can be found here, really did step up with this title. It is a combination top down run and gun style shooter, that has some elements from GTA2. It also combines RPG elements such as level's experience and various weapons.
The objectives in the game are fairly easy, and quite similar to each other. You enter a room, and in this room you use the robot of death that you control to obliterate everything. At this point you say, oh great it's another one of "Those" games... you know the kind, where you just hold left click until you win. Well for some parts of the game you are right, however for others, simple run and gun tactics will absolutely NOT work.
I consider myself a pretty avid gamer. I play something for most of my day, be it the latest PC game I am into, an old favorite, or a flash game I am trying out to review it later. Well To be quite honest, this game tore me to shreds. a particular section I died maybe 8 or 9 times on one level before I could beat it. Granted this is still a rare thing even in this game, it should be said don't just run.
To start with there are a variety of enemies in each room to clear. Most have combinations of fast shooting tough robots mixed with tiny ones that try and suicide on you. There are a variety of turrets as well, and in some levels machines exist which spawn robots periodically. Those machines are the focus of one level in the first mission; destroying the factories is essential.
Speaking of levels and missions, this game is organized very well and in multiple stages...
I'm going to stop hear and give you some warning. There are 4 missions, and a total of 13 levels... I think. However after the first mission a little box pops up asking you to buy the rest of the game. Now I am a broke university student like the rest of us, so I definitely did not purchase this game, but let me tell you that you are probably better off going and buying a full scale game. I love flash games, but I do not think that their individual use should have to be payed for.

At this base there is a shop that will sell you a variety of upgrades to your little robo killer. These upgrades are interchangeable and can be described as either a weapon or an upgrade. You have to be a high enough level to be able to use an item, levels are gained as you progress through the game. There are a total of 4 slots for weapons, and 4 for upgrades.
Weapons range from slow firing shotguns and grenades launchers, to a variety of high speed rifles. There are also individual modifications that can occur on each weapon. This can be a combination of upgrades for a rare item, or just 1 upgrade for an uncommon weapon. Effects include knockback, freezing and even things as odd as bullet speed. There are good parts to each, and often a combination is best seeing as you have four slots.

Controls are good, with Q bringing up your inventory/character screen, and E bringing up the map. These are the perfect keys considering you should be using WASD to be moving.
However should you die you will be sent back in the direction of your base of operations with the store. And due to you being absent from the field of combat, a number of rooms will have been taken back over by the invading robots. Also you will have lost a certain amount of money, money you need for valuable weapon upgrades.
As far as everything else is concerned, sound and music are great. However they could be easier to disable from somewhere in the game itself. There are two different graphics settings; most computers can handle high, however if it is slow for you feel free to switch. The computer plays intelligently sometimes, and realistically the game puts out everything you could hope for from a game of this style.

Normally I stop at the 30 minute mark, which is exactly what I did... but then the game called to me in the middle of writing this and I just had to go and finish the parts that I could, even after I died numerous times.
Overall this is a fantastic game, exactly what a modern flash title should look and play like. The only things that bother me are the sound controls, as well as the fact that they don't tell you ahead of time you need to buy it.
Longevity: 2.5/5
Interface: 4.0/5
Addictiveness: 4.0/5
Sound: 4.0/5
Simplicity: 4.0/5
Overall: 3.7/5
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